Car diagnostic tools run the gamut from low tech gear that you might already have in your toolbox to the prohibitively expensive equipment used by professional automotive technicians. Some of these tools are absolutely indispensable, and you can probably take a pass on others without inconveniencing yourself too much. Low Tech Auto diagnostic tool Although cars have been trending more and more toward computer controls and diagnostic equipment in recent years, it’s important to start with the basics. With that in mind, there are a few decidedly low tech (and somewhat less than low tech) tools that every DIYer and backyard mechanic should have in his or her toolbox. Some of the most basic car diagnostic tools include a: 1.12v test light 2.mechanic’s stethoscope 3.timing light 4.vacuum gauge 5.vacuum pump 6.fuel pressure gauge If you’re working on an older car, then this sort of equipment (along with items like a compression tester, leak-down detector, etc) is ba...
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